And we'll go into the why, how, and where of it all. So, you need a writing backup OR a better way to back up your articles. I agree that this is super harsh, and I'm glad you're safe, but once normal life returns and you get back to work, your missing articles will be… well, missed. And you didn't have an offsite backup at a second location or an online backup program. Disaster struck in the form of a house fire, earthquake, flood, storm, or worse.

In fact, famous writers in history such as Ernest Hemingway, Thomas Hardy, and Sylvia Plath have all lost writing at various stages of their lives (and for some after their deaths). It has happened to me, and as you can see above, it has befallen accomplished folks the world over. You'll probably lose some of your writing at some point - can't save every single file without the right tools, right?. – Sangeeta Singh-Kurtz I’ve been burned many times by publications that went under, were acquired, redesigned, switched their content management system, or just unceremoniously seemed to dump old content without warning. How else will we continue to build a portfolio? Our work is our career, and that needs to be protected.

– Nicky LaMarco Our work is our career, and that needs to be protected. Why you should use Authory to automatically back up ALL your published, bylined writing Losing your writing is terrible I lost a lot of articles and other work because websites shut down.Why regular techniques to back up your writing are sorely inadequate.The reasons for which you might lose your writing (and why it sucks).